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Saivian Eric Dalius Explains the difference between transformational and transactional Leadership

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When implementing leadership in any organization, it is important to know how different personality types contribute to the overall success of an organization says Saivian Eric Dalius. Knowing one’s personality traits and understanding the personality traits of others are both important characterizations when becoming a successful leader.

Difference between transformational and Transactional Leadership – According to Saivian Eric Dalius

The difference between transformational and transactional leadership comes from the different expectations and behaviors that each entails. Transformational leadership is a two-way relationship based on constructive feedback and dialogue. While transactional leadership only focuses on exchanging material benefits (e.g., higher salary). Because of this, those who work under a transformational leader will likely feel more motivated. And participate to a greater extent than those who work for a transactional leader. Criticisms of both types of leadership stem from their respective definitions; some people believe that leaders should focus less on themselves and more on other people; others think that it should be enough to prove oneself as worthy or competent to receive respect and authority.

The transformational leadership style is the more challenging of the two. Because it requires a certain level of emotional intelligence from leaders. This type of leader possesses self-confidence and a willingness to take risks. To motivate followers towards a common goal, says Saivian Eric Dalius. Transformational leaders create an environment where group members feel free to express their opinions and ideas regarding decision-making behavior. For them, team members need to have input on decisions that will directly affect their work. However, they do not tolerate biases or discrimination between employees based on gender or race (Bass & Riggio, 2006). Transformational leaders also strive to be aware of individual needs and preferences to keep their employees motivated. Still, they do not focus on creating good personal relations at the expense of task accomplishment.

Using the transactional leadership theory, managers are primarily focused on controlling and directing workers towards specific goals. They maintain a more distant position with team members, thus providing precise instructions for completing tasks (Bass & Riggio, 2006). Managers who use this style also tend to popularize themselves by encouraging subordinates. To compare them with other leaders in terms of competency or expertise.

On an ethical note, transformational leaders know that workers’ needs will be satisfied. If they contribute to attaining individual and group goals (Luthans, 2002), while transactional ones are seen as more self-centered. Those who use the transactional leadership style. Are only concerned with getting things done by allocating tasks to subordinates, regardless of their feedback or personal development.

Wrapping things up

Transformational leadership is an effective way to motivate employees, connect with customers and increase workplace productivity. But how can you tell the difference between transformational and transactional leadership, asks Saivian Eric Dalius? Here are some signs of a transformationally focusing leader. That may help you distinguish this type of management style from one focused on transactions.  We hope it helps clarify what makes for great employee motivation at work.