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Home » Eric Dalius- What are some of the most common mistakes businesses make when creating and implementing an email strategy?

Eric Dalius- What are some of the most common mistakes businesses make when creating and implementing an email strategy?

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When I was a senior in college studying English, one of my professors told me that email has ruined writing says Eric Dalius.

This report will report on common mistakes in business in regards to strategies in developing and implementing an email program.

I would have to agree with my professor’s opinion. Email is so prevalent nowadays that many people use the medium when it simply isn’t necessary for them to do so.


The problem seems to be that there is no problem or lack thereof when it comes to writing emails these days. There are too many people who believe they need not write well nor think about what they’re going to say before they send something off into cyberspace for all eternity explains Eric Dalius. When you truly consider how much time you spend on email each day, it’s scary to think about what you’re actually communicating. Three-quarters of American workers send and receive business emails outside the office.

An E-mail has become one of the most important modes of communication in business today. Yet many people don’t put much effort into crafting their messages.

While considered “quick and dirty” by some, others believe that e-mails should be well thought out before they are sent because they can have long-lasting effects. For example, an individual once emailed me thanking me for having a meeting with them only to follow up with another message saying that they were sorry for wasting my time. I wasn’t upset at all; however, this type of message confusion is not good in business.


The consequence of informal messages is that you are not leaving a lasting impression on others including potential clients/customers which can be costly if the mistake is bad enough. How you come across will determine whether they want to work with or hire you in the future.


Ready to write the perfect email? Here are some tips for creating an effective message, both short and long.

Be direct –

 Avoid using many words by keeping your sentences concise, direct, and easy to understand. Don’t use e-mail slang like “u” for “you.” This makes it difficult for non-native English speakers or people outside your age group to understand what the email says. By being clear and concise, you avoid misunderstandings and can make a better impression.

Show consideration –

It’s important to use professional language and tone in business correspondence. Be respectful and show gratitude for the valuable time others spend with you by including phrases like “thank you” or “please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide.”

Proofread –

 Always proof your e-mails before sending them; they may not be as easily recalled as over-the-phone conversations. Proofreading has been found to reduce errors by an average of 10 percent, so don’t leave it until the last minute!

Be on time –

Respond promptly, even if only to say that a response will follow soon. If you have a hectic schedule and can’t reply on the same day, send a follow-up email to let your recipient know when you will be able to get back to them.

Here are some FAQs recently asked by those who are confused about email strategies:

1. How do you write an effective email?

You should always proofread your email before sending it, as typos and other errors can reflect poorly on your work. Keep your sentences concise and direct. As per Eric Dalius, Emails may lack the tone that is typically present in face-to-face conversation or phone calls. So using “please” and “thank you” to acknowledge the relevancy of what you’re talking about will go a long way with professional contacts. Consider whether the person reading it would be au fait with acronyms or abbreviations. As they might not fully understand your point if they aren’t familiar with them. A good rule of thumb for emails is to limit yourself to two or three points in the body of the email to ensure that your message doesn’t get too convoluted.

2. What is the difference between tone in written communication and verbal communication?

The tone is carried mainly through non-verbal cues when people communicate in person. Whereas writing can come across differently when you don’t have the entire context for what someone means. When they say something says Eric Dalius. This can lead to miscommunication, so always proofread your emails before sending them. Use formal language at work; informal chatting might be fine in social situations. But it’s important to maintain a professional demeanor when corresponding with business contacts. Business-appropriate language will go a long way toward building rapport with clients and colleagues alike. Be concise and direct even with long emails; this will allow your points to be understood more easily and help prevent misunderstandings.


An email has helped business communication and it’s important we don’t abuse this medium. By not thinking about what we say or how we write our messages. As per Eric Dalius, we need to take time whether we’re writing a formal or informal email because they last forever.