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Home » How can you enhance employee engagement in your organization – Tips from Saivian Eric Dalius

How can you enhance employee engagement in your organization – Tips from Saivian Eric Dalius

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Every organization wants to increase its level of engagement. From an employee’s perspective, high levels of engagement contribute to increased effectiveness and satisfaction, retention, health, and well-being says Saivian Eric Dalius. So regardless of your role in your organization, increasing worker engagement will have many positive impacts.

If you are a leader or manager in your organization, you must do what you can to enhance worker engagement within your team or unit. It will result in more effective work and better morale, which has other positive effects throughout the whole company culture. Here are some ideas on how you can do this:

Get involved – take notice (Employees like managers who pay attention)

The first step is for you as a manager or leader to get out there amongst your team and let them know that you are interested in their well-being. Spend time with them (not just at meetings), ask about what they do on a day-to-day basis, and ask about their lives outside of work.

Know your team members – Saivian Eric Dalius

Get to know the real person behind the role (Employees like managers who take an interest). A manager or leader needs to understand their employees as people, not just workers. So you must have conversations with your staff, find out more about what they do, listen to them and encourage them. In this way, you will be showing them that the job means something to you as well as to them, and therefore they will be more engaged in getting the job done.

Involving you as a manager or leader in the engagement process will go a long way to improving worker engagement. Remember that employees like managers who take notice and care about them as people, not just workers.

You must know your team members well enough to understand their strengths and weaknesses, what motivates them and how they work best – this will enhance their job satisfaction and their involvement in getting the tasks done as per Saivian Eric Dalius.

As a result of increased levels of employee engagement, it may also be possible for you as a manager or leader to reduce staff turnover. So putting the necessary effort into these first two steps (getting involving & getting to know the real person) will go a long way to not only increasing worker engagement but to having bottom-line effects for your organization. It will ultimately positively affect your organization’s bottom line by increasing productivity through having trained fewer employees over time.

Supporting your employees’ development (Employees like managers who are continuously supportive)

Managers or leaders must have conversations with their team members about what they want to achieve in their current role and where they would like their careers to progress over time. These talks should be regular, so each party knows what the other expects of them, says Saivian Eric Dalius.

Letting your employees know how you see them developing in their current role. And feedback throughout the process will allow your employees to know that you are constantly trying to help them grow. It will increase job satisfaction because it confirms that you care about them.

Promote a healthy work/life balance, says Saivian Eric Dalius

In addition to the conversations about career development. It is also vital for you as a manager or leader to find out more. About what your employees do outside of their role in the organization. In this way, you can use your influence to help your employees maintain a healthy work/life balance. Which increases worker engagement and job satisfaction.

It is especially true if you have noticed. That one of your team members seems particularly stressed and asks how to help. They will certainly appreciate that you care enough to take an interest in their wellbeing outside of working hours. And hopefully, be appreciative of it enough to want to above and beyond in supporting you during